Seven year old stealing grandma's car.....classic! Im not even mad, this is amazing! Like how stereotypical of black people is this video?? 1) Massive baggy camo shorts, huge polo, and even look at the swag this kids got! 2) Says it starts at his mothers house but he takes his grandma's car....i can only assume she's a single mom living with her mom..typical! 3) Steals a car 4)He calls his friend who smoke cigs at the age of 7! 5) Hits two cars in the Cosco parking lot...his little buddy probably needed to get some more Newports to smoke. 6) He wanted to do it cause "its fun to do bad things" and "i just wanted to do hood rat things with my friends". 7) Cop says your grandma's gonna have to pay for those cars, response "can my mom help her?"
Typical! Good try officer with the "are you sorry? your grandma's gonna have to pay for those" statement, like this kids gives a shit! The seven year olds got a swagger already and knows he should feel entitled to everything! Hey mom take your food stamps..i know you have them...and go buy a handle of Hennessy and drink this one off
Hahahahahaha wow so funny. Another one 12)his name is LaTarian...get real